Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why Is Synonymous With Luxury Handbag Chanel

Why Is Synonymous With Luxury Handbag Chanel
Chanel handbag is synonymous with luxury. At the very least, women would pay attention to fashion goods agrees. Why this type of handbag has great reputation? The reasons can be reached in just two aspects: one, the design and considerate fashion. 2, the process of workmanship and long.

Ms. Chanel wisely realized that women were playing roles more time and social past. They were supposed to participate in a variety of different activities directly in their daily lives. They had jobs, families, and had to go somewhere, cars, plane or car, sometimes on their own. Therefore, the bags had to be in their hands became very cumbersome and inappropriate. Whereas, wanted to plant a long, thin belt of the bag and the ingenious design of a bag more comfortable, especially for working women. Finally, this type of bag has been accepted by many people and has become a symbol of fashion. Ms. Chanel has not prevented his ideas from this talent. It has generated a metal chain belt. With the help of this chain of metal, the band had to hang straight and easy to carry. Now, the metal chain has become the classic brand of 2.55 on the back, Chanel.

The stock metal chain worn at night, or a string with the addition of leather used in everyday life is to give an impression of depth, at first sight.

There is a small village with a population of less than 3,000 You can drive an hour to reach this place, if you start from the center of Paris. And 'the only basis for the production of Chanel bags since 1991. A certain number of bags are made every day. Penne pasta, sewing, prune again to gather, to make the zipper, button, make a hole ...... He needs 180 procedures and at least 6 people to do the Chanel bag. What is known to us all is that many of the bags are made by machine now. Although Chanel handbags are artificial. Maybe you think it takes longer to break when you see the seams of the bags in good order. Believe it or not, preparing the skin for up to 80% of the time. Employees Roll needles and skin are distinguished by their hands, and pat lightly to keep in good condition. They must be careful not to damage the expensive material.

When you are ready to challenge, you can understand why a Chanel handbag is a tendency to be so expensive. Its design and production to calculate a lot.

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